Second Army Farm Story Hall

2018-12-14 13:16 click:

Entrusting Party: Xinjiang Construction Corps
Time: 2013
Business type: Exhibition Gallery
Name of pavilion: Second Army Farm Story Hall
    The design elements of blue sky and white clouds in the center of the exhibition hall originate from "creation of the sky", while the design elements in the left exhibition area originate from "creation of the land", which implies the pioneering spirit of older generation of the 2nd army and people to reclaim their homes and struggle hard. The right side of the exhibition wall takes Chinese ancient red color as the main tone, meaning that the two groups of military and civilian will create a better future for Jingzi Town (central sand table) under the guidance and care of the CPC central committee.
    The central sandbox uses digital projection technology to vividly show visitors "yesterday", "today" and "tomorrow" of Jingzi Town, so that visitors can have a more intuitive and vivid understanding of the development process of it. 
    Due to limitations of the exhibition area, we wrapped four pillars into a cabinet wall in the design. Through the display of portrait wall and pictures of labor scenes in Xinjiang, visitors can get to know more about the reclamation process of the 2nd group of Henan people in Xinjiang. It is convenient and clear for Henan people to reclaim the history of Xinjiang with plasma. At the same time, three special typical characters are shown in the cabinet room, which is typical and representative. 
    The demonstration of labor tools of 2nd regiment army forefathers combines with half scene, reproduced of the reclamation of wasteland labor scene at that time. The historical achievements of the 2nd regiment army are demonstrated with the characteristics of intuition, conciseness and image.
    Through display method of combining forms and data, intuitively and concisely reflects the economic and social development and changes of Jingzi Town, and predicts its bright future.