Quanzhou History Museum (History of Dedication Pavilion)

2018-12-13 16:40 click:

Entrusting Party: Quanzhou History Museum
Name of pavilion: Quanzhou History Museum (History of Dedication Pavilion)
Location of pavilion: Quanzhou
Highlight: Story, Vision, Scene, Experience
Fair distribution principle
    Every overseas Quanzhou has an exhibition wall to carry their great love, and the continuation space can also carry the name list of successors.
Simple and unadorned layout principle
    Each of the exhibitions achieves the maximum economic efficiency and carries simple spirit of overseas Quanzhou with the most unadorned and moving creativity.
    The principle of experiential layout
    The four-dimensional sensory enjoyment of "story, vision, scene and experience" extends audience's five-sense experience. 

The museum exhibits themes
    Seeing the mulberry tree planted by parents, it is necessary to stand in front of the tree respectfully.
    From The Book of Songs-Xiaobian, taking this as the theme, it reflects love and respect of generations of overseas Quanzhou for their hometown, and takes this as a memory to inherit their great love spirit and carry forward the traditional Chinese culture.
    “Seeing the mulberry tree planted by parents, it is necessary to stand in front of the tree respectfully”. As a portrayal of     the overseas Chinese, people who leave their hometown will naturally have the feeling of friendship of fellow countrymen. As members of the same family, they regard their country as their own.
    However, what is more valuable and easily overlooked is that they have also made their own contributions to the development of their localities. They have also brought their love and kindness to foreign countries, which can reflect what Lao-zi said that "benefiting all things" is for "great love". "Love does not stop" expresses a wish that the great love for all things will be inherited and will never stop.
    Bearing in mind the contributions overseas Quanzhou have made to the development of our motherland and human beings, we show the overseas Chinese culture of Quanzhou to the audience through vivid stories to inherit the great love of overseas Quanzhou. Understanding the love of overseas Quanzhou 's hometown, the love of his country, the great kindness and the great love.